
The rules and regulations relating to architects, including the authority of the California Architects Board (Board), are set forth in the Architects Practice Act and the Board’s implementing regulations.

The Board’s enforcement program is designed to ensure that the laws governing the practice of architecture are enforced in a fair and judicious manner. The program entails consumer education publications, a local building official support program, and outreach designed to prevent and assist in the early detection of violations.

The Board’s enforcement program addresses the following:

  • Establishes regulatory standards of practice for those licensed as architects
  • Increases public awareness of the Board’s mission, activities, and services
  • Protects consumers by effectively enforcing laws, codes, and standards when violations occur

The Board is responsible for receiving and screening complaints against licensees (and unlicensed people). The Board also retains the authority to make final decisions on all disciplinary actions taken against its licensees.

Filing a Complaint Against Architect or Unlicensed Activity

File a complaint against an architect or report unlicensed activity.

Enforcement Definitions

Learn about enforcement terminology.

Enforcement Actions

View enforcement actions taken by the Board.

Settlement or Arbitration Awards Reporting Requirement

Learn about the reporting requirement.

Can I Call Myself an Architect?

Learn about misrepresentation and Unlicensed Practice.

Design Limitations Chart for Professionals

Learn about the design limitations for architects, civil engineers, and structural engineers.

Informational Bulletin: Responsible Control Within Design and Design-Build Firms

This article addresses the legal and professional responsibilities of stakeholders in design and design-build firms.

Disciplinary Guidelines

To establish consistency in disciplinary penalties for similar offenses on a statewide basis, CAB has adopted these uniform disciplinary guidelines for particular violations.

Unlicensed Practice Penalty

Learn about the penalties for practicing without a license or holding self as an architect.