Enforcement Definitions

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The Board’s Executive Officer is authorized to issue Citations containing orders of abatement and/or administrative fines against an architect or an unlicensed person who has committee any acts or omissions which are in violation of the Architects Practice Act.

The cited person has the right to request an informal conference before the Executive Officer or a formal administrative hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (or both) to contest the Citation.

A citation is resolved once the fine is paid in full. Citations are a matter of public record.


An Accusation is prepared by the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) when violations for formal disciplinary action are warranted. The licensee is served and given an opportunity to request a hearing to contest the charges. The Accusation can result in revocation, suspension or probationary status of a license.

After the Accusation is filed, the case may be resolved by a stipulated settlement, which is a written agreement in which the licensee admits to certain violations and agrees to a particular disciplinary order. Stipulations are subject to Board adoption.

If a stipulated settlement is not negotiated, a hearing is held before an Administrative Law Judge and a proposed decision is submitted to the Board for adoption. The process can be lengthy. Accusations are a matter of public record.