Filing a Complaint Against Architect or Unlicensed Activity

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Who can file a complaint?

Anyone may file a complaint – a consumer, licensee, or building official. The Board will review each complaint regardless of the source. A complaint should be filed by anyone who believes that illegal activities occurred by an architect or anyone who may be practicing architecture without a license.

The most effective complaints are those that contain firsthand, verifiable information. While anonymous complaints will be reviewed, they may be impossible to pursue unless they contain documented evidence of the allegations.

Please be advised that the Board cannot represent you in court or collect money on your behalf. Filing a complaint does not prohibit you from filing a civil action at the same time.

If you are harassed by the person about whom you have complained, notify the Board immediately.

How do I file a complaint against a licensed architect?

If you believe that a licensed architect has engaged in professional misconduct, please file a complaint with the Board. Examples might include lack of written contract or breach of contract, negligence, fraud, or conflict of interest.

Complete all sections of the Consumer Complaint Form and include detailed information and include all documentary evidence. You don’t need to cite violations of the law in the complaint.

After the Board receives your complaint, you will be formally notified of its receipt. The Board will investigate the complaint and if there are violations of the law, either an administrative or criminal action will be taken.

Can I file a complaint against an unlicensed individual?

If you have evidence that an unlicensed person is participating in activities for which a license is required, please report it to the Board. The Board has limited jurisdiction to take action against unlicensed individuals, but will investigate allegations of unlicensed practice and, if sufficient evidence is established, may forward this information to the local District Attorney's Office for criminal prosecution, or issue an Administrative Citation.

If an applicant for licensure is engaged in unlicensed practice, the Board will investigate and will pursue appropriate administrative action if substantiated.

Complete all sections of the Consumer Complaint Form and include detailed information and include all documentary evidence. You don’t need to cite violations of the law in the complaint.

After the Board receives your complaint, you will be formally notified of its receipt. The Board will investigate the complaint and if there are violations of the law, either an administrative or criminal action will be taken.